Key Rating Drivers & Detailed Description
- Expanding presence across financial services segments, supporting diversity in business risk profile
The gradual scale up in non-broking businesses - such as asset management company (AMC), WM, PE and housing finance – has supported the growth and diversity in the business risk profile. The group is also focussing on scaling its distribution business (financial products) through the WM channels. As a byproduct, revenue contribution from these businesses has increased in the past few fiscals.
To strengthen its market position in the agency businesses, the group has been augmenting its human resource and operational infrastructure. The AMC portfolio has increased to Rs 87,580 crore in June 2024, from Rs 43,200 crore in March 2021 whereas the portfolio under WM – has grown to Rs 1,38,900 crore from Rs 39,424 crore. As on March 31, 2024, AUM for the asset management business included assets under MF (Rs 48,842 crore), PMS (Rs 12,132 crore) and AIF (Rs 10,836 crore). The group has a niche positioning for its higher-yielding, equity-focused funds – with only 2% of the MF AUM in debt funds. It also focuses on passive and international funds. As part of its PE portfolio of Rs 10,049 crore as on March 31, 2024, the group has launched four business excellence funds and six real estate funds till date. While business excellence funds focus majorly on unlisted companies for long-term investments, the real estate funds focus on debt funding to developers for mid-market residential housing projects in top eight Indian cities. Within the lending space, the group extends housing finance, LAS and MTF through MOHFL, MOFL and MOFSL, respectively, respectively. These respective portfolios, though growing, stood at a modest Rs 4,048 crore and Rs 4,988 crore as on March 31, 2024.
The group’s asset management businesses leverage the clientele of the WM segment, resulting in business synergies and improved return on equity (RoE). The group also maintains a sizeable treasury portfolio (total equity investments, including mark-to-market (MTM) gains) of ~Rs 7,021 crore as on June 30, 2024 (Rs 6,113 crore as on March 31, 2024, and Rs 4,326 crore as on March 31, 2023). It includes its own sponsor commitments-cum-investments in equity MF, PMS, PE funds, real estate funds, AIFs and strategic equity investments.
- Healthy capitalisation backed by higher internal accrual
Capital position remains healthy, supported by adequate and stable internal accrual. Absolute consolidated networth and gearing were Rs 8,768 crore and 1.6 times, respectively, as on March 31, 2024 (against Rs 6,283 crore and 1.6 times a year ago). As most of the businesses within the group are non-capital intensive, the steady-state consolidated gearing is not expected to cross 3 times. The housing finance business had a net gearing of around 2.0 times as on March 31, 2024 (against 2.2 times a year ago).
As on March 31, 2024, the group had cumulative unrealised gains of Rs 3,076 crore distributed across Motilal Oswal Equity Mutual Fund Products and AIF products (Rs 1969 crore), listed equity shares (Rs 490 crore), Motilal Oswal Private Equity Funds (Rs 618 crore; PE and real estate), the MTM gains are almost 100% of the original cost of investment. Of this, unrealised gains of ~Rs 1,411 crore have accrued in fiscal 2024 due to the positive market momentum. This portfolio has MTM impact on earnings under Indian Accounting Standards; however, the timing and magnitude of realised gains remain uncertain. Nevertheless, even after removing the cumulative unrealised gains from the networth, on-book gearing of the group remained comfortable at ~2.4 times as on March 31, 2024 (against 2.8 times ago).
- Strong market position in the equity broking business
With a legacy of three decades, the group - through MOFSL - ranks among the top 10 equity brokers based on the number of active clients (9.2 lakh active customers on National Stock Exchange) as of July 2024, in the highly fragmented broking industry. Within this segment, business growth has been driven by acquisition of small brokers and partnerships with sub-brokers. The group has ~44 lakh retail broking clients and enjoys pan-India presence through 9,000+ franchised/sub broker outlets. In additions, they have made various digital initiatives such as the Option store (app with a feature to create customised strategies), 500+ application programming interface integration with algo and proprietary traders and the Research 360 (app which has more than 1,50,000 downloads till March 31, 2024).
Overall turnover of the business witnessed a healthy growth of 120% for fiscal 2024, primarily in the derivatives segment. This has supplemented the growth in core broking revenue by 34% during the year. In terms of market share for fiscal 2024, MOFSL held 8%[1] (volumes traded in retail, institutional and proprietary segments) in the cash segment whereas in the F&O segment – market share was 3.1%4. Overall market share was 3.1%4 for the fiscal 2024. Over the medium term, the group is expected to maintain its strong footing in the equity broking segment – which would continue to bolster its growth in adjacent segments like asset and WM.
- Sustained profitability, supported by diversity in revenue streams
The earnings profile of the group continues to benefit from expansion of business. More so, growth across non-broking businesses has imparted diversity and is expected to lend greater stability to overall profitability.
Operating profit increased to Rs 1,542 crore for fiscal 2024, from Rs 1,115 crore for the previous fiscal. For the first quarter of fiscal 2025, the operating profit was Rs 431 crore as against Rs 306 crore for the corresponding quarter of last fiscal. Correspondingly, the adjusted RoE (based on operating profit) improved to 20.6% in fiscal 2024 (from 18.7% in fiscal 2023) underpinned by growth in broking income and rise in interest income due to growth in the fund-based book. Further, the reduction in the cost to income ratio from 65% to 50% over the same period was another driver for improved profitability. Of the total revenue (net of interest expense and inter-company adjustments), broking business has remained the largest component at 51% for fiscal 2024 (62% for fiscal 2023), followed by AMC at 12% (16%), WM at 12% (14%), housing finance at 5% (8%) PE at 3% (5%). In addition to these operating revenue streams the treasury book has contributed 17% in fiscal 2024 compared to -5% in fiscal 2023. This mix in income profile has remained similar over the past few years. Beyond the profits from core operations, the group also generates a sizeable income from the treasury portfolio which, as a philosophy, it redeploys into expansion of operating businesses.
The group is expected to continue expanding its fee-based businesses, which yield the benefit of trail income. It has been making capital expenditure towards these businesses and the benefit of it is expected to materialise in the near to medium term.
- Exposure to uncertainties inherent in capital-market-related businesses
Most of the group’s businesses are linked to the capital markets and hence remain exposed to economic, political and social factors that drive investor sentiments. Brokerage revenue depends on the level of trading activity in capital markets; incremental inflow into various asset management platform depends on the returns generated - making overall revenue dependent on the performance of the capital markets.
Specifically, since March 2020, the stock markets have seen high retail participation and increased daily trading volume coinciding with the lockdown to contain the Covid-19 pandemic and people remaining at home. A significant proportion of client additions at the industry level are in the age bracket of 25-30 years without relevant trading experience. Upward movement of the key benchmark indices during this period has attracted retail investors to market trading. While this has benefited, capital market players, including the Motilal Oswal group, sustainability of the market momentum remains unpredictable.
However, its bearing on the earnings is partially offset by the high share of broking business originated through franchisees, which has a higher share of variable cost, and thus, curtails the impact of drop in market volumes on the profitability margins. Further, the group’s revenue profile is relatively diversified, reducing its dependence on broking operations. The agency businesses like AM, WM and PE yield income in the form of management fees (as a proportion of AUM), which has a higher stability quotient. The lending business, commenced in fiscal 2015, adds further stability to the overall earnings via fixed interest income from home loans.
- Limited track record in successfully scaling up the lending business
In fiscals 2018 and 2019, MOHFL faced asset quality challenges due to inadequate collection and recovery processes within the company, amidst macro-economic disruptions. GNPAs increased to 9.3% on March 31, 2019, from 4.5% as on March 31, 2018, and 0.6% as on March 31, 2017.
However, since fiscal 2019, MOHFL has taken several corrective measures such as strengthening of management teams, improving collection processes and recovery apparatus by creating a ~550-member team, and enhancing credit appraisal and risk monitoring systems. As a result of these, slippages reduced to Rs 35 crore in fiscal 2024 from Rs 41 crore in fiscal 2023 and Rs 89 crore in fiscal 2022. Correspondingly, recoveries have also picked up in the last fiscal. Furthermore, the company sold GNPAs worth ~Rs 941 crore between fiscal 2019 and fiscal 2024 to an asset reconstruction company, which brought down the GNPAs to 0.9% as on March 31, 2024, from 1.1% a year ago, and 9.3% as on March 31, 2019. As on June 30, 2024, GNPAs stood at 1.2%.
As on June 30, 2024, the housing finance portfolio stood at Rs 4,098 crore. The company intends to grow its housing loan book prudently over the medium term, while increasing its geographical presence. The recent expansion in the sales team is expected to catalyse this plan. Nevertheless, given the evolving macro-economic environment and intensifying competition within this asset segment, ability of the management to scale this business while maintaining sound asset quality, will remain monitorable